Assessment Services
Psychologists are experts in human behavior and are trained to deal with complex processes. Psychologists are also trained in psychometrics and use of test scores within the context of a person’s life to help answer specific questions, solve problems, or make decisions. Some of the different types of psychological assessments include:
Neuropsychological Assessment- involves assessment (testing) with a group of standardized tests that are sensitive to the effects of brain dysfunction and brain behavior relationships. These evaluations include assessment of functioning in the following areas:
problem-solving and other complex abilities
visual-spatial functioning
language ability
motor functioning
emotional functioning
academic skill development
Psychological Assessment- includes a broad range of tests designed to address specific areas of concern, such as diagnosis and evaluation of psychological characteristics or processes and assessment of the effectiveness of interventions. These tests include assessment of different domains such as:
personality assessment
interpersonal behavior
cognitive/intellectual functioning
marital-family interactions
parenting skills
child behavioral problems
Academic/Career Assessment- involves assessment of ability, achievement, interest and motivation in academic or work environments.
academic achievement
school adjustment
intellectual ability
career/vocational interest
career/vocational aptitude
For licensing or employer evaluations, please go to Consultation Services.